Melana PlainsMay 24, 2021Chakra & The TeamThe Revolutionary Nature Of LoveLove is revolutionary. The decision to love the self and explore the more profound truth of our human existence is akin to choosing the...
Melana PlainsApr 12, 2021Chakra & The TeamHealing The Family Legacy With Love During a Path session with my ally and sister, I shared some new and wonderfully surprising feelings I had experienced about our childhood.
BatisteFeb 14, 2021Chakra & The TeamBatiste On Women, Men & Power, P2Batiste speaks about the relationship between men and spirituality and whether they can accept women as powerful beings and power as Love...
BatisteFeb 14, 2021Chakra & The TeamBatiste On Women, Men & Power, P1 What is power? Is it just manipulation and control, or can it be an act of true love?
ChakraOct 21, 2020Chakra & The TeamWhat Color Is My Pain? / 4 When we speak about a spiritual revolution, what you must understand is that this is something very big that is happening to you.
ChakraOct 21, 2020Chakra & The TeamWhat Color Is My Pain? / 3Love is the gift of Spirit. Love is your ally. Love is what creates wholeness within a being.
ChakraOct 21, 2020Chakra & The TeamWhat Color Is My Pain? / 2 Every culture has to come into truth with itself. It's not easy. The white culture wants to look at the cultures of color and say...
ChakraOct 12, 2020Chakra & The TeamWhat Color Is My Pain? / 1What we are going to deal with, as we proceed with this session is healing. What does it mean to heal?