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The Path: Updates, Journey & History

Life On The Path: News & Notes / #5

Hello Allies In Love ~

The current updates of the series–Guiding The Path Journey, Guiding A Life Through Love, and Walking Love In 5th Dimension–profoundly impacted me. I was struck by how the ongoing themes of Love, self-love, and love for others drive each of them and create a composite story about our journey home to ourselves, to each other, and Love.

Although they each address different times and passages on the journey, the focus, goal, and walk-through all remain the same. In Guiding The Path Journey, Monea takes the helm and provides a starting point for unfolding the foundational beginning of The Path and The Path Process as a vehicle for learning how to love the self.

With Guiding A Life Through Love, I teach and prepare allies who have reached a specific level of understanding and application of loving the self to guide new allies through The Path. Thus, passing on the baton handed to me by the original guides, Chakra and Monea, to new guides who will support others through their journey.

In Walking Love In 5th Dimension, the new guides and I traverse untested and unexplored territory to discover the truth about what it means to fall in Love and love–from Love–instead of Fear.

In addition to the interactive connections previously mentioned, WL5D also had an extraordinary time/mind-bending effect on me. The very questions posed and shared in Part 13 of this series are–in the present time–being answered and walked through in my work with the current allies today.

The primary question, "Will we ever experience 5D, Love-Sourced relationships, where self-love and the Five Aspects of Love (honor, respect, integrity, realness, and truth) are fundamental, supported and celebrated in the Love we give to each other?" The answer from the present back to the past is a resounding, "Yes, we will!"

For my present self to bridge with my past self and the courageous allies who opened their hearts and gave birth to the questions asked was a time-traveling moment of wonder for me. The questions and the answers all seemed to be happening at the same time.

Exploring Love is the most evolutionary, evocative, and life-altering experience we can have in our lifetime, and its value to us and all humanity is immeasurable.

Take care, and I'll check in again soon.



This evolutionary, insightful, and inspiring lecture series was designed to teach and assist people who had walked through Path work to guide others on The Path.

As usual with us, the experience was filled with chatter, laughter, and a sincere desire, on the part of everyone present, to learn all that they could about supporting others to walk the path of Love.

The Path guidebook was written as a handbook for the new guides and provided an outline for the lecture series. The lecture episodes and guidebook are both available for download.

My recommendation:

These lectures are for any person who works with people as a guide, therapist, counselor or healer. Or someone who is interested in guiding him or herself through a process (this or a similar one) of self-awakening, self-discovery, learning about Love and loving yourself.

The following chapter(s) and lecture(s) have been added: 7-5-21

These are transcribed sessions with Chakra and Monea (The Path channeled entities) guiding the first group through The Path process.

It is a powerful, enlightening, and life-changing experience to learn from the original guides how to begin your journey on the path of self-love.

My recommendation: For everyone!

The following group session has been added: 7-4-21

Added: 7-7-21

In this powerful and riveting episode of Walking Love In 5th Dimension, we pose questions and play love songs to highlight, "What happens to people when they fall in love?" And "How does this life-altering event impact our sense of self? "Is it possible to love ourselves while being enthralled by our romantic love for another?" Our poignant answers as we discussed our encounters with those we attempted to love, made it unflinchingly clear that Fear's version of Love never delivered its' promises to anyone.

My recommendation:

This 5th Dimension series is for anyone interested in learning the truth about who we are as beings of Love and deep-diving into and exploring Love's 'home base' on Planet Earth.

The current Path Allies and I live and build our lives in the 5th Dimension. The experience is as 'out there,' far-reaching, and spectacular as you might imagine, and, yet, it is also the most grounded, clear, and authentic choice for us, or anyone, who desires the freedom to walk and live the lives that we choose.

* I will update the content above every 2-3 weeks, and will alert you in a News & Notes blog post, so be sure to sign up for blog updates when you visit the page.


Please feel free to leave comments on the site. It would be great to hear your thoughts, feelings, and questions about what you have discovered or experienced here. Also, what you are walking through on your journey in Love and loving yourself. Let's start a dialogue and, perhaps, others who are on this path will join in.

My intention is to check in regularly and share some of the many discoveries that occur over the days and weeks of walking this path. Love is complex and exhilarating energy to inhabit and work with––and, real talk, there's never, ever a dull moment! I promise to update you and keep you posted.

With Love,

Melana ~



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