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A Writer's Journal is a soul-searching mix of feelings, insights, and reflections. Over 60 days of journaling was the bridge that led to the completion and publication of my book, The Path: A Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love.
Insight #11

Today is my 63rd birthday! I am delighted to have reached this point in my journey; I foresee it as one of my best years. This time is inspiring because I am experiencing compelling growth in every aspect of my being and life.
Simultaneously, I am unfolding a new level of The Path journey––Building Your Life In Love. Even though it happens every time, and I should not 'stand amazed' at it, it's always such a delightful discovery when I realize it's time to build a new level of The Path experience.
Now, in particular, I am aware of how much my own life unfolding is linked to the growth of The Path. As I experience and walk it, each moment transforms into a teaching journey, with footsteps for allies and others to follow. My body is not only my temple; my body is my laboratory.
Speaking of laboratories, in my meditation this morning, I became more intimately acquainted with the reality of my mind and the mind palace I am building for myself there. Today, I added a new room to the palace––my laboratory. Until now, I've only had one primary place where I've been doing all my inner work and explorations. I call it my sacred altar room. It thrills me to have this new addition––a place where I can roll up my sleeves and dive deeply into discovering the inner landscape of human reality.
Exploration of this nature brings me one of the greatest joys in my life. I love looking at in great and grave detail the roots of our design as a species and our potential as viable assets in the co-creation of our planetary existence. We have so much that we can contribute in a positive, healing, and supportive way to every aspect of our planetary reality if we choose to. The most exciting aspect of our whole design is our power of choice.
Understanding this is our greatest challenge and will make the difference between whether or not we continue to exist and flourish––or self-destruct and become extinct. It is our choice. Can you imagine that? Once we realize, if we ever do, that no one has the power to hold us back or secure our forward growth but us, then there will be an entirely new reality, understanding, and behavior that will emerge in the way human beings not only perceive themselves but how they choose to exist together in every way.
This awareness, for me, is the keystone to what I need to express in my work and what I need to contribute to the human story. Not only is it our choice, but I have discovered a way that we can achieve it. This knowledge has yet to be shared with people, especially by those who may know it but wish to remain amongst the elite few who use it for financial gain and power. The most prominent proponent of this secrecy is the dark forces that represent Fear on our planet.
Fear is the power player in our realm. Everything that we believe we can't do, and our insistence that we don't have a choice, is controlled by the reality of Fear. Fear wants human beings to continue believing that they are powerless in its face, and when overcome by the dictates and crippling limitations regarding growth and possibility meted out by Fear, the only 'choice' that they have is to fold and become compliant.
Fear does not want human beings to realize that if they say no to Fear and choose Love, things will change completely for them. They will be empowered and supported to grow and embrace as many possibilities as their hearts and minds can comprehend. That is the power of Love and one of the many abilities we gain from choosing it.
More and more, and gratefully so, in these past few days, I'm beginning to get the pieces to the puzzle of how I will be able to have all of the elements that I need together to move forward on my path––not only as a writer but also as a spiritual leader. Those are big shoes to fill, and when I'm not in my injury about my inability to do so, I see myself in that place of leadership among the brave beings that have come before me and in whose footsteps I follow. This path of leadership life has been such an intense and often painful journey of self-discovery.
I have done it the old, 3D way and suffered mightily for it. I never even fully understood that those were the shoes I had stepped into when I was teaching and guiding The Path in Tucson. My naive innocence about what would be expected and required of me was overwhelming, and it dangerously sheltered me from seeing the truth of what I was up against in terms of the people and their reaction to me. I was unprepared for all that happened. The fallout and suffering from that experience are still a part of my learning and growth. Falling off the pedestal of 'The One' was devastating; the cost was cruel and punitive.
What I am most grateful for now is that I am finally coming to the end of my lessons from it, and I can now move on and rebuild a healed and true reality of myself as a leader. Mind you, this is not a role I skip lightly to. If I didn't honestly believe it was destiny to do so, I would gladly walk away from any idea or notion that this mantle was a part of what I would be wearing in the future. It is a role I approach with great caution and deep introspection.
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