Stop living in the upside-down world of Fear
Heal and transform your life with Love
Are you ready to learn how these powerful energies impact every moment of your life? And why choosing love and loving yourself will decide your future––and that of the human race?
Author Melana Plains takes us on a thought-provoking journey to awaken and discover the revolutionary power of love. She invites readers to use her walk on the path from fear to love as a navigational tool for healing your authentic self and living the life we all deserve.
Following the author's personal experiences, you will watch her growing awareness of love and fear and their impact on every aspect of our lives. As her knowledge grows, so will yours, and you will discover more about your relationship with these two energies that began when you were a child.
Melana walks you step-by-step through your journey to love and shows you how to guide yourself through your own healing process. You'll experience firsthand the life-changing transformation that can occur within you when you follow through on your intention to let go of the illness of fear and choose to heal yourself with love.​
To further support your journey, The Path Team, channeled by Melana, takes you deeper into our human story by looking at what it will mean to heal and evolve the human race. By ending the legacy of fear on our planet, we can create new roots and a new foundation of love for future generations.
Walk your path into the light of Love
This book can illuminate your way
Melana Plains is an educator of the truth about love. She encourages readers to love themselves and change their lives through rediscovery and self-actualization. By sharing her belief system, she guides people to walk the path of love to find their true selves, purpose, and ultimate happiness and fulfillment. Her 35 years of dedication to this journey have granted her the tools to help people change their lives for the better, a mission she honors as a writer, teacher, and guide.
The Path Book Excerpts

Monea Speaks: Slavery, Service, and Self-Responsibility
"It is time to own yourselves. It is time to say, "Okay, look, we can do this. We know who and what we are." It is time for you to move beyond the place where others do this for you. You are a society, a world built upon others doing things for you. So, we want to talk about how it came to be that slavery was such a big thing for you. Why did it seem to be an absolute and grave necessity to some of you? How did you wrap your heads around it? What made putting other, specific human beings in that position okay?
You are a society built on the idea that it is purposeful and essential to have someone do things for you. There is some notion that you are superior because you don't have to serve
yourselves. To be served by other human beings allows you to believe that you stand above others. Well, we beg to differ—earnestly, beg to differ. Remember, everything in Fear is backward. So, not only is it not necessary or prestigious to have people serve you, but it exposes your lack of integrity and character. It also shows that you need to be stronger when you expect others to do what you can do for yourself. There's no glory in being able to sit back and become lazy and ineffective.
You become weak by making others work for you. They're the ones who become strong. They're the ones who become solid within themselves. They're the ones who develop endurance and stamina and can withstand and go through things that you who expect service could not even imagine. Not because you could not do it but because you have spent so much time thinking that you are made better by being served."

Batiste Speaks: Women, Power, And Self-Love
"In your context, yes, I am here to speak about women and the female reality of the human race. However, I am not here to talk to women alone. My area is that of female energy and feminine power. It is essential to understand that, just like men, women are a part of the human race. Now, I didn't say that sarcastically. Still, it is necessary to state that very clearly. Both women and men need to hear that women are a part of the human race.
Why would I make a point of saying that when it should be obvious? Everything that should be obvious in your reality is only sometimes known to be or accepted by some. Let me enhance this for you so you can see it more clearly. How about this:Women have never been considered an 'equal' part of the human race.
Now, you see it, don't you? When I say, "Women are a part of the human race." That seems more like stating the obvious. But, when I say, "Women are not an 'equal' part of the human race," you see the subtext. Well, that's what we're here to see."
Melana: The Path Structure | Spiritual Warriors

The name 'Spiritual Warriors' immediately conjures images of courage and strength in battle. It aptly describes how we must navigate this stage of The Path. It indicates the source (our soul) and the stance (our commitment) of the inner power we must call upon to support our journey.
This place on The Path marks the beginning of our inner transformation from Fear to Love. As we walk through the process of letting go of the Fear-based roots of our childhood injury, we can experience the joy of seeing and becoming the truth of who we are in Love. As you prepare for your journey in Spiritual Warriors, it is crucial to understand that by embracing Love and letting go of Fear as the foundation that supports your life, you will undergo a radical shift in consciousness. This new and deeper level of self-awareness will completely change who you are and how you experience your life.
When I introduce clients to The Path for the first time, I add a word of caution: The Path Process will change your life––for the rest of your life and beyond. Once you set your course on leaving Fear and remaining true to your commitment, there is no turning back. When Chakra and The Team unfolded the blueprint for this Work, there was no plan or instructions for living in Fear once we departed for Love.
Chakra Speaks: Love, Truth, & Guidance For The Times Ahead

With his usual mixture of honesty and grace, Chakra speaks of our power of choice to change everything in our lives––and the future of the human race.
"Like Love and Fear, you must realize you are a formidable player in this dynamic. You are not weak. You are not the object of someone's rules and regulations, to manipulate and treat like a puppet. You can, however, behave that way if you choose to do so.
Fear directs and determines the outcome of your life experiences because, consciously or by default, it's your choice. You may not have embraced Fear at birth; it was already in place when you were born. But here's the deal. You, at any point beyond childhood, have always had a choice. Your power to choose is what you have to put into play.
As children, you are busy trying to figure out what the lay of the land is. You have yet to learn about what power you have. Many of you stumble into your abilities, and you go, "Whoa! What was that? Did I do that? I can do that?" But, as suddenly as it happens, it leaves your consciousness. You are too busy figuring out how to walk to give it more than a thought.
But, once you get beyond your younger years to your teenage years, you figure out, "I have a mind with different ideas and beliefs than the people who raised me, told me what to do, what to believe, and how to behave. I feel like it is time for me to start to assert myself." You see, that's the first awakening. It's when you realize, "Hmm, I don't have to do things the way I've always done them, just because my parents told me to."
Monea Speaks: Slavery, Service, and Self-Responsibility

If you find yourself, in your life, having relied upon others to serve you and, by doing so, elevate yourself to someplace that has no basis in reality, if you find yourself holding that kind of belief, we are saying to you, here and now, get down to the ground. Make sure your two feet are touching the ground.
Feel the Earth beneath your feet. Feel your connection to what is beneath you. When you put your feet on the Earth, do you feel like you're standing on other human beings? Or are your feet planted on Mother Earth, on her ground? Where are you standing? Is it on the backs of the people you have deemed unworthy of doing anything but serving you?
You must ensure that wherever you stand, it's on Mother Earth. She is the one who supports you. She is the one who teaches you and
informs your being of how to walk a human life—an authentic life. You're here on Planet Earth. Your feet should be on Her ground. If you're standing elsewhere, you're not where you need to be to understand how to walk a balanced, loving human life.
Even if 'being served' is not something you are currently acting out, it's in your head. It's in your thought patterns. It's in your belief system. It's in your subconscious mind. That is where you have to go to change it. You must go to those roots, pull them up, and let them go. Say, "Nope. I am not participating in this legacy anymore. I am not that person. I do not believe in this."
We Path entities are here to support you in shifting and changing this legacy and not continue passing this injured and crippling belief about how to walk your life on to others. Pulling up the roots of an injured legacy and letting go of them is safe; it won't leave you rootless.
Batiste Speaks: Women, Power, And Self-Love

So, women, allow me to introduce myself to you again. My name is Batiste. My energy is feminine. In that sense, I am one of you––a sister and an ally. However, to give you a heads-up, you'll not like everything I say. I'm giving you a fair warning. But that you like what I say is neither here nor there. It's just the first thing that you have to get over.
You won't take kindly to a lot of stuff for a while. But listen up. I will share nothing about blame, guilt, or shame. We don't foster any of that Fear-based That is not something you want to indulge in; it's something you want to avoid. There are other ways to respond to life's reality without sacrificing your truth, self-respect, and self-love. The doubt, guilt, shame, blame, and all of the injuries that Fear puts forth for you to take on and believe—now, that's oppressive. Your
oppressors are not men; your oppressor is Fear. So, first and foremost, let's redirect any idea that you have that men are to blame. Men are not your problem or your issue. That is the cover-up. That is the veil that is about to drop for you.
Everything in Fear is backward. It's upside down, twisted around—and back to front. Whatever notions you have about your female reality, we know that you learned them by looking at who you are through the lens of Fear.
Therefore, we know that you see the opposite of what is true. First, Fear is your oppressor—not men. Second, everything that Fear has taught you, everything you know, believe, see, and feel about what it means to be a woman, is backward.
Melana: The Path Process | Part One

Within the structure of Spiritual Warriors, there exists an energetic vehicle called The Path Process (The Process), designed to move you through five stages of self-awareness:
* Acknowledgment
* Willingness To Let Go
* Letting Go
* Integration
* Acceptance
Step I: Acknowledgment
"I acknowledge that I do not love myself."(Said three times before sleeping.) soul is engaged and begins to work with you in a cooperative dynamic to walk through The Process.
soul is engaged and begins to work with you in a cooperative dynamic to walk through The Process.
In Acknowledgment, the soul will show you examples––through memories, encounters, conversations, etc. of how you do not love yourself. Your responsibility is to own the truth of what the soul reveals. Experiencing different situations that clearly show your lack of self-love will validate the need for Acknowledgment. You will then be prepared to go forward and take the necessary steps to change.
In Acknowledgment, you face the truth that you do not love yourself. As children, we are born into a reality of Fear that neither fosters nor supports the belief that self-love should be the starting gate of every human being's walk in life.
Chakra Speaks: Love, Truth, & Guidance For The Times Ahead

You have to understand something. This is one of those things that, if you step back and look at it, it's simple to see. If you could look at yourself and your roots and express the truth of who you were born to be—life on Planet Earth would be very different. If you are in a reality of Fear and you've been born and raised in it, you will not know yourself. Fear's agenda is to keep you well away from that information.
You would realize that you have a voice. You would believe that you have access to your truth. You would know that to bring forth your plan—to understand why you came here and become who you came to be—is what living your life is all about. However, if you were allowed to walk that storyline, you would walk right out of Fear and into Love, whose light of truth would awaken you to the truth inside you.
Once that light comes on, you go, "Whoa, whoa! Wow, this is different! Is this me? When I'm out there (in Fear)—outside of myself—when I'm just following who I think I am, it doesn't feel or look like who I am here. Well, hmm. How can I get what's in here, out there? How can I get myself––hidden inside for who knows how long—outside? So I can walk, talk, and be my true self out in the world?"
Love says to you, "Give Love to your true self. Say to yourself, 'I love you.' When you tell yourself, 'I love you,' it's called self-love. It's how you start to accept and embrace who you are. It's how you begin to love your true self."
To truly learn how to love yourself, saying, "I love you" on Love's command won't work. Of course, you'll have some questions. You could ask, "Oh, okay, I'll love myself. But what exactly does that mean, and how does it look and feel? If I agree to love myself, how do I act and speak and know when I'm doing it? Please, Love, don't go anywhere; I need you to tell me what to do at every step."
Monea Speaks: Slavery, Service, and Self-Responsibility

It is time for you to understand that if your feet are not standing solidly on Mother Earth, with the knowledge that Her back is the only back that your feet should touch, then there's not going to be any 'Oneness,' not in the way that you envision it.
There can only be 'Oneness' everywhere once humans figure out the 'Oneness' on Earth. You don't get to do as you please here and then take all of that injury and limitation and bring it to bear in your ideal of what it means to be 'One.'
Human and global unity are the aspects of 'Oneness' humans don't like to consider. There is 'Oneness' in the reality of being human that you exist in and share here and now. There is a 'Wholeness' that exists right here, right now. It is the 'Wholeness' of the human race. No one wants to belong to that club.
Everyone wants to go where they don't have to deal with the injury they've created in Fear. You want to believe that you can go and become elevated in some spiritual alliance that frees you from your human existence. Doesn't that sound an awful lot like being served?
What you are saying, in essence, is this:
"Meh. I let this human life and this human reality serve me. I just came here to be served by this experience. I don't have to give anything to it. I'll leave it to someone else to evolve because I can't be bothered. Then, I'll leave and become 'One' with my spiritual family. We are so much more than that human, disposable experience. We are so much more." Do you see where I'm going with this? It's taking the notion of being served, yet, once again, to a whole other level. It is critical to get clear about being served, mainly since it differs from what you imagine.

Batiste Speaks: Women, Power, And Self-Love
So you say, "Okay, yes, I'm here. I'm in Fear. I see myself as a woman through the lens of Fear. It's never seemed right, and it's never really worked. But honestly, this is what I have. Whether it negates me, makes me less than, belittles me, or makes me small and irrelevant, whether it questions my rights and intelligence—although all of this exists and none of it feels right––this is what I have. So, I embrace it."
Now that you have embraced your authentic experience and accepted responsibility for everything you've done, you must ask yourself, "How do I respond to being less than men? How do I react to being small, sexualized, and objectified? What do I do? Do I say, 'Yes?' Mostly, that's what I do. Why do I do it? Because that's the only option that I believe I have ever had.
Now, for a time, I can rebel and say, "No! But the only issue with the rebellious part is that I don't have anywhere to go after that. So, Idon't get to leave it. I get to stall, stomp my feet, and have what is considered an emotional temper tantrum. All of my responses and behaviors are suspect. I can resist, and I can rebel. But there's no real advantage to either. They only buy me a little time to feel uncomfortable, upset, and enraged about how in the heck did I ever get into this."
Women, have you ever thought of your situation like that? Do you ever wonder about it when you step back from the emotional response to the conditions you face as a woman on your planet?""How did this happen? Would I have these thoughts or feelings if this is how it's supposed to be? If this isn't working for me, it can't work for everyone else—the men, the children, the world. So, what the hell is going on?"
"Something is telling me, "This is not my story. I didn't sign up for this. It galls me deeply to think of how misrepresented I am. What's even worse is that I have also conspired in this misrepresentation. I have supported this treatment of me as if it is the truth. Something inside me screams, "This can't be right!" every day—10, 20, 30 times a day."
And you women have tried to say exactly that.
"We want to vote. We want equality. We want equal rights and equal pay. We don't want to be hung or burned at the stake because we're different. How was this world designed without a safe and honoring place for women? What the hell happened?"
Melana: The Path Process | Part Two

Within the structure of Spiritual Warriors, there exists an energetic vehicle called The Path Process (The Process), designed to move you through five stages of self-awareness:
* Acknowledgment
*. Willingness To Let Go
* Letting Go
*. Integration
* Acceptance
Step 2: Willingness To Let Go
"I am now willing to let go of anything and everything that stands between me and my love for myself."
(Said three times before sleeping)
The Process continues.
Without your willingness, the Process cannot proceed––becoming willing is the key. The soul responds to this step by presenting you with different patterns and aspects of your behavior you need to let go of to love yourself.
By being willing, you continue to choose to live a life based on Love. To do this, you must be willing to let go of the illness of Fear.
Willingness may be the first time you realize that exercising your right to choose gives you the power to change. Also, with your new awareness that you can receive and follow Guidance from your soul, you can begin learning to listen to your inner truth instead of listening to others.
Willingness is how much you will accept the Guidance offered to help you. Willingness is also where you decide how deep you will go in your Process. Willingness is the primer for the next step: Letting Go.
Willingness To Let Go allows you to take the first step in dealing with the often startling and painful issues you have felt and remembered in Acknowledgment.
As you begin to understand that these are the things standing between you and your love for yourself, you feel the need to change them in a definitive and lasting way. Before you can experience a genuine willingness to let go, you must realize that you have developed attachments to the injury that has shaped and defined who you are.
Next, you must accept your need to hold on to your injured perception of yourself because it validates your belief that you are not worthy of being loved. You can then consciously choose to be willing to separate yourself from the roots of these beliefs in preparation for letting them go.

Chakra Speaks: Love, Truth, & Guidance For The Times Ahead
"Over 30 years ago, when we started our venture with Melana, asking her to channel our message for you, we decided it was time for you beings to understand your power. You still have access to that power despite what you believe about your abilities to do certain things and not knowing or feeling that you do.
You have access to it and can use it to your advantage––to learn to love yourself and heal and evolve the human race. It was time for you to wake up and realize that you have more abilities than you could imagine despite what Fear taught you.
We decided that the first order of business was to create a belief system that would provide you with the tools to navigate, investigate,
and explore the inner workings of your being. Why? So you could discover the answers to your questions about who you are, which are inside of you.You live in a world where all your supposed 'important' information comes from external sources. You have so many people, things, and structures telling you what is and what isn't, what is real and what is not, what you should believe, what you shouldn't believe, what you ought to do, and what you ought not to do. You live by external guidance. That is how you have learned to navigate your lives.
One thing you must understand about your planet is that the energetic influence that governs it is Fear. Because of how Fear operates––and it would do you well to contemplate this––everything in Fear is backward. It is back-to-front; it is upside down. Whichever way you choose to look at it, that signifies the fact that it is not straightforward. Fear is the opposite of the truth. It does not work with, function in, or sponsor the truth. It is in direct opposition to it. What is the truth? Well, the truth is Love."