we all have our walk . . .
Melana Speaks
Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation
Melana Speaks
Tohono O’odham
Indian Reservation
Part 1
I was honored to speak at the Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation in Southern Arizona. It was an excellent opportunity to explain the teachings of The Path and share the truth about Love—that it is a medicine and a birthright for all the Hoops (cultures) inhabiting our planet. "If Fear is the illness that kills, Love is the medicine that heals."
Our dance with Love and Fear profoundly impacts self-love, children, race, relationships, and health. As we begin to understand Fear as an illness that injures all aspects of our being, we can see how essential Love is to our healing and the health and well-being of our lives. In its greatness, Love is the mirror reflection of the real heart and soul of every human being. "We are perfect, but we are ill."
Melana Speaks
Tohono O’odham
Indian Reservation
Part 2
What role does Love play in healing the separation and racism between the different races and cultures on our planet? "Why did the white race behave as they did, and why did the people of color accept their version of reality?" Without self-love, as individual beings or races, were we, every one of us, responsible for creating the roles of the oppressor and the oppressed? Can Love heal the illness of Fear that has, thus, plagued all of humanity?
In Part 2 of my lecture, I address these issues and more as we take an in-depth look at Love and the all abiding truth that we must embrace Love—as a birthright, a medicine, and a way of life. Only then can we let go of continuing to allow Fear to stop us from loving ourselves and each other.
Melana Speaks
Tohono O'odham
Indian Reservation
Part 3
In Part 3, the last of this lecture series, I was struck by how familiar my words are to me––these words I speak about Love: this Love, my dearest ally, my medicine, and my daily path. How can this energy, whose bigness is more extraordinary than we can ever imagine, be so powerful yet tender and accessible to every human being? I don’t know how it is, only that it is so.
My work has been finding familiar words that will touch us and resonate with our souls. The words that will convey the truth of Love’s Love for us and all that we are. These words express how, in loving yourself, you open the door to your heart, allow Love to heal you, and shift your reality from Fear to Love. How loving yourself empowers you to become solid and self-responsible.
When you love yourself, you find the key to knowing who you are and living the life that you choose to live.